@S.trewth Grow Tall, Yield for All

When I started talking to @s.trewth, I was blown away by his Instagram account; his style stood out to me. It showed there was passion. The level of detail and structure of the bud resembles what we all look at so intently, gazing at the frostiness, the colours from purple, orange and the many shades of green. @s.trewth has been able to capture cannabis in his own way and describes each piece in hopes that it inspires someone else. I could tell there was passion in this guy, so I asked if he would like to be my first written piece. 

For privacy, @s.trewth has asked me not to reveal his identity. 

@s.trewth’ has a very familiar story I’ve heard before from friends alike, having gone to a super conservative school where none of his friends or people he knew had been exposed to cannabis. It wasn’t until he moved to a neighbouring school that had a better arts program, in a different area that cannabis was a normal part of conversation. This changed his perception of many things and was grateful for the change. He jokes with his parents now saying “I only moved to that school to get pot”, obviously ‘Higher’ education has always been a priority. 

In his teenage years, @s.trewth was to discover cannabis and experience it for the first time. With this newfound medium that was cannabis, he felt he couldn't communicate with his parents and many peers about his consumption, having to hide it from them, for fear of judgment. It wasn’t until later in life his parents became more transparent and, like most of us, had a fun uncle who knew quite a bit about the ole devils’ lettuce. I feel I would get along with @s.trewth’s uncles, aha!

It’s refreshing to hear that @s.trewth has always been aware of his relationship with cannabis, being a regular consumer, but his perception about engaging with cannabis was not always one of pride like today. At first, he felt shameful and embarrassed about his relationship with cannabis, fearful of what others might think. That attachment of being a stoner and lazy. It was during his time at university that the shroud of stereotypical stoner stereotypes was lifted, and he began to gain a sense of pride in the way cannabis enabled him to create and focus on his work. The long, stressful nights finishing assignments would often be eased, and cannabis helped in finding a creative flow. He started to remove that stigma that he had put on himself and began to be proud of the work he was doing. Becoming the best version of himself and cannabis was a part of creating @s.trewths identity. 

Catalysts for change can come from many places and for @s.trewth it came during covid. Between him and his partner, they started a veggie patch; this was where he started to grow nature's gift. At the time for @s.trewth, there were struggles in life but as one slows down and takes the time to watch something grow it's like looking in a mirror. You need to look after yourself, give yourself the right nutrients, the right amount of sunlight, and a good amount of rest. Looking after his plants made him look after himself. Once he started growing like many people who have grown cannabis,  it was mesmerising for him, the colours, shapes and smells of cannabis. This was his inspiration to draw these magnificent plants with aspirations to create biological studies like Robert Clarke, looking to bring back this unique style of drawing that was once so prominent back in the day. 

@s.trewth and I continued talking for an hour on all things cannabis but one thing shined so bright. He truly believes in this plant. For him the effects of cannabis are a side effect; so much of his life has been guided by cannabis and it’s led him to a place where he has been able to create a community and be a part of the Australian cannabis culture. @s.trewth, like myself, is blown away by the support from the cannabis community. It's amazing to see him capture the moment and bring it to life. I for one look forward to catching up in person and mulling up with a like-minded individual, and to continue this conversation and learn more about him. Be sure to follow his page (which is linked in his name) and have a look at his online store. He captures cannabis that makes you want to hang it on the wall to show off to friends and family.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time talking to @s.trewth, and I hope this piece gave you insight into a fellow Australian looking to remove stigma with passion in the form of art.


High Aspirations: Zac’s Journey with Cannabis.


So Why Cannabis…