So Why Cannabis…

Growing up, drugs were bad. Having gone to a Christian school there was no way around this idea and it definitely wasn’t up for discussion. To be fair they weren’t wrong either, I’m glad I was educated about what dangers can lay with substance abuse, and addiction and what can happen when you go down that path. However being so young I couldn’t really form my own opinion, the graphics were confronting and I didn’t want to end up like that. But there was no discussion, no knowledge of all “drugs” and alcohol wasn’t in the conversation either. So as a 13-year-old what else do you do besides daydreaming and wanting this class to end…..

My name is Harry Baird, I’ve been wanting to write about my experience with cannabis for a while now and after many years of back and forth, I thought fuck it, let’s write and see what happens. I also got the push from a dear friend of mine, so here’s to you Bee!

So why cannabis??

I could write a super long story and dive so deep it would end up being too long of a read so here’s the short of it, my first time trying cannabis. I was 17 at Flaggy Skatepark on a Wednesday night. The usual crew is there where 15-20 people skating, playing loud music, drinking piss and having a sick time with friends. I was sitting on the ledge watching when Westy passed me a joint. Having never smoked before I was semi hesitant. I turned to my friend Nick and asked if he could drive home which he happily agreed. I took my first puff, I took my second puff and as the song goes I passed it on. I sat on it for a moment, intrigued, slowly understanding what feelings and sensations came through. It was nice, everything was funny, I was in awe of my friend’s talents at skating and I didn’t move for over an hour, just enjoying the present moment. Plus I felt as if I couldn’t move anyways aha.

I didn’t think that night would change where my life would ultimately lead to, but upon reflecting it did. Enjoyment comes to mind when I think of that night, I wasn’t pressured to smoke or to continue smoking. I felt safe and I couldn’t stop laughing but my mates are funny anyway so it just enhanced the moment. Now before I continue I have to state not everyone has the experience, this was just mine and maybe I’m one of the lucky ones to have a good experience. I think this experience led to me wanting to find out more about cannabis. Why was it so frowned upon, what was the history, is all cannabis like this and how did we end up with this perception of cannabis yet so many people still used it? Questions I didn’t know but would eventually find out.

Now to keep this first blog short I’ll finish with why cannabis is so important to me. Cannabis showed me that what we were told about this particular “drug” is wrong, some aspects are correct depending on the person you are but for me, I felt I had been lied to. As the years went on and the environments I was in led me to more people who consumed who were successful from athletes, CEOs, business owners, tradies, accountants, mums and dads, every kind of person over my years of travelling some of them consumed cannabis, but did so in the shadows. To make sure they weren’t perceived as a low life, a bum or loser stoner. For me, cannabis became something I felt I could be a part of something that allowed me to be me without judgment from those who knew. There was also a side “fuck you” to the authorities, a sense of rebellion that I enjoyed too. So my why is because cannabis is more than a substance, more than just getting high. It was and still is a way to connect with people, make friends, educate, medicate, and most of all be me.

If you like this style of short writing from the grey matter in between my ears, follow for more. I’m looking to do more with this platform and see where it leads me, like most stuff in life I have done. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!

With love hb.


@S.trewth Grow Tall, Yield for All